The Mitsubishi inverter heat pump air conditioning systems are one of the most common on the market, so you have probably seen them about quite a bit. When you think of Air conditioning systems, these are what come to mind.
They are compact so suitable for in offices, homes and retail applications, in fact any building. Fitted with inverter control, the hi-wall indoor units offer comfort and climate control for all seasons, combining high performance with high efficiency.
All Mitsubishi indoor units have a Class A+ minimum cooling or heating efficiency rating with cooling duties ranging from 2.0kw to 8kw and heating duties ranging from 3.0kw to 9.8kw. All units are charged with energy efficient R32 refrigerant, have a compact footprint and they are quick to install.
UK Cellar Cooling specialises in the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries range of heat pumps and air conditioning systems which are A+ minimum rated for energy efficiency and one of the quietest on the market.
Prices from £1400 installed please ask for details of your home or rooms to be heated or cooled.
Also, multi split options offering up to 4 indoor units (3 bed house) connected to 1 outdoor condensing unit from £4500
Systems all have fully programmable remote controls and WiFi (new to 2023)
At UK Cellar Cooling in Norfolk, we have many years of experience installing air conditioning systems into pubs, caravans, lodges, commercial and residential properties throughout the UK.
Information we require to provide you with a quote:
Contact Us for further information.
Telephone South: Norwich 01603 340094
Telephone North: Carlisle 01228 830020